Working towards creating a true understanding of what Khilafat means or what a Khilafat system is.There are so many so called organisations using the name Khilafat but only to damage its true meaning or understanding. Please keep tuning in to this channel to know more about the real Khilafat System. Wassalam
jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010
Hazrat Mufakiray Islam Abu Zain Peer Syed Mohyuddin Mahboob Hanafi Qadri
This Pics is dedicated to my Peer-o-murshid-the Muffakir-e-islam-Peer Syed Mohyuddin Mahboob.He is a saint & an awliya ALLAH in its truest sense.He is the Sajjada nasheen of Khanka Mahboobabad Havelian shareef in Pakistan.His father is a Ghous-Hazrat Peer Syed Mahmood Shah(RA) who is also known as Muhaddis Hazarvi(RA)because of his knowlege of Hadith.My Peer-o-murshid is the head of Silsila Qadiriya in Pakistan.His father has actually done "bait" on the hand mubarak of Sheikh Abdul Qader Jilani(RA)in Baghdad Shareef.My peer has dedicated his life on the path of ALLAH(SWT) & HIS beloved Rasool.He spends his time spreading the message of Islam & the love of ALLAH & HIS Prophet(PBUH).He has authored several books in English & Urdu.He is a spiritual leader & also has the khilafat for the Chistiya Silsila.
Please check the above website for further details on this Great personality.May ALLAH(SWT) give him success on HIS path & may ALLAH keep us close to our peer-o-murshid.Ameen.
Att: Kamran Nazir Qadri
sábado, 13 de febrero de 2010
Other Wonders of Bismillah
Rasulullah SAW is reported to have said that as long as people keep on
Saying: BISMILLAH -IR- RAHMANIR- RAHIMIn the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
it will be a means of safeguarding them against sickness; a means of
granting riches to the destitute; a means of freedom against the fire;
a means of safety against being swallowed by the earth; a means of
safety against faces becoming distorted; and a means of safety from
stones raining down from the heavens.(Ghunyatut Talibin Page 157)
A Hadithe Qudsi
Rasulullah SAW said that the angel Jibreel A.S. made a mention of this
hadith under oath that he heard it from the angel Mika'il A.S. under
Who heard it from the angel Israfeel A.S. under oath that Allah I said;
“By my honour, grace and grandeur, whoever reads: BISMILLAH -IR- RAHMANIR- RAHIMIn the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
and surah Al-Fatihah jointly once, then you be witness that I shall not burn his tongue and I will save him from the fire as well as the
punishment of the grave and on the day of Qiyamah.
Note: Reading Bismillah and surah Al-Fatihah jointly means to read it as.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds:
Saying Bismillah Before Wudhu
Rasulullah SAW said: “One who does not say Bismillah before wudhu, his
wudhu is incomplete.” (Tirmidhi)
It is reported from Abu Hurairah R.A. that anyone who does not say
Bismillah before wudhu, only the sins committed by the limbs which
are washed in wudhu will be washed away; and one who says
Bismillah before wudhu, the sins of the entire body will be washed
away. (Mishkat)
Saying Bismillah Before Meals
Umar Ibn Abi Salamah R.A. reports that Rasulullah SAW said to me: “Say
Bismillah and eat with your right hand the food that is in front of you.”
(Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi)
Whoever ate without saying Bismillah, Rasulullah SAW used to hold his
hand and urge him to say Bismillah.(Zadul ma'ad, Uswah-e Rasoole Akram)
The scholars have said that it is preferable to say the Bismillah aloud so
that it is a reminder for those who forget.
Also, Ibn Hibban is reported as saying that if Bismillah is said prior to
utilising any bounty of Allah I and Alhamdu-lillah is said after utilising
it the user will not be asked to give accountability for that bounty on
the Day of Qiyamah.
Blessings In Food
By saying Bismillah before eating, barakah is imparted to that food.
Hence, Aishah R.A. reports that Rasulullah SAW was once having meals with
the Sahabah R.A. when a Bedouin came along and joined them. He
finished all the food in two morsels. Rasulullah SAW remarked that if he
would have said Bismillah before eating, this food would have sufficed
for everyone.
And if anyone forgets to say Bismillah, he should say:
In the name of Allah at its beginning and end
This will make the Shaytan vomit the food he had eaten. (This means
that the barakah will return) (Abu Dawud)
Not Saying Bismillah - A Cause For Remaining Hungry
A person once complained to Rasulullah SAW that he ate food but still
remained hungry. Rasulullah SAW said that perhaps you are not saying
Bismillah before meals. He admitted. Rasulullah SAW said that by not
reading Bismillah your stomach does not fill.
When Undressing
Anas R.A. reports from Rasulullah SAW that when a person undresses for the
purpose of either relieving himself or bathing or having relations with
his spouse then the Shaytan interferes and plays with his/her private
parts. If He/She says Bismillah before taking off the clothes, then this
serves as a barrier and safety against the shayateen and jinnat. (Tirmidhi)
The masnun du'a mentioned in Amalul Yaum Wal Lailah is this:
With the name of Allah besides whom there is none
Worthy of worship.
Safety against Shaytan When Leaving Home
According to the ahadith anyone who recites the following du'a when
leaving the house then Allah responds by saying: “ I have given you
protection and I have saved you from your enemy, the Shaytan.”
(Thus, the Shaytan departs from him). Tirmidhi
The du'a is as follows:
With Allah’s name. I rely in Allah. There is no power to do good or abstain from evil except with the help of Allah.
Bismillah When Entering Home
Jabir R.A. reports from Rasulullah SAW that when a person says Bismillah
and enters his home and then says Bismillah and begins eating his
food then Shaytan says to his friends: “Let's get out of here. There is
no food here nor sleeping place.” And if the person does not say
Bismillah then Shaytan says to his friends: “There is food as well as
sleeping place for us here.” (Muslim, Abu Dawud)
Masnun Du'a When Entering Home
O Allah, I ask of You the good of entering and the good of leaving
(this home). With Allah's name we enter and with His name we leave
and upon Allah, our sustainer, do we rely.
Safety Against Calamities Of The Day And Night
Recite the following du’a three times after Fajr and after Maghrib:
(I begin this day) with the name of that Allah with whose name
Nothing on earth or in the heavens can cause harm. And He is All hearing, All-knowing.
Safety Of One's Deen, Life, Family And Belongings
Recite the following du’a three times after Fajr and after Maghrib:
With Allah's name do I seek protection of my deen, my life, my
children, my spouse and my belongings.
Safeguarding A Child From The Shaytan As Soon As It Is Born
Imam Bukhari R.A. has mentioned a Hadith from Abdullah bin Abbas
R.A. : Whoever says :
O Allah, keep us away from the shaytaan and keep him
Away from what You provide us with.
before having relations with his wife, the child that will be born as a
result of that will be safeguarded against the harassment of the
Shaytan. (Bukhari)
Before Every Du'a
Rasulullah SAW has said that any du'a which begins with:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
It is not rejected. (Ghunyah)
When In Pain
Uthman bin Abil Aas R.A. once complained to Rasulullah SAW about bodily
pain. Rasulullah r said that place the hand on the part that is in pain,
then say Bismillah three times and this du'a seven times:
I seek refuge in Allah and His might from what I feel and fear.
He did as he was told, and the pain disappeared.
TO BE CONTINUED……………………………
Other Wonders of Bismillah
Rasulullah SAW is reported to have said that as long as people keep on
Saying: BISMILLAH -IR- RAHMANIR- RAHIMIn the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
it will be a means of safeguarding them against sickness; a means of
granting riches to the destitute; a means of freedom against the fire;
a means of safety against being swallowed by the earth; a means of
safety against faces becoming distorted; and a means of safety from
stones raining down from the heavens.(Ghunyatut Talibin Page 157)
A Hadithe Qudsi
Rasulullah SAW said that the angel Jibreel A.S. made a mention of this
hadith under oath that he heard it from the angel Mika'il A.S. under
Who heard it from the angel Israfeel A.S. under oath that Allah I said;
“By my honour, grace and grandeur, whoever reads: BISMILLAH -IR- RAHMANIR- RAHIMIn the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
and surah Al-Fatihah jointly once, then you be witness that I shall not burn his tongue and I will save him from the fire as well as the
punishment of the grave and on the day of Qiyamah.
Note: Reading Bismillah and surah Al-Fatihah jointly means to read it as.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds:
Saying Bismillah Before Wudhu
Rasulullah SAW said: “One who does not say Bismillah before wudhu, his
wudhu is incomplete.” (Tirmidhi)
It is reported from Abu Hurairah R.A. that anyone who does not say
Bismillah before wudhu, only the sins committed by the limbs which
are washed in wudhu will be washed away; and one who says
Bismillah before wudhu, the sins of the entire body will be washed
away. (Mishkat)
Saying Bismillah Before Meals
Umar Ibn Abi Salamah R.A. reports that Rasulullah SAW said to me: “Say
Bismillah and eat with your right hand the food that is in front of you.”
(Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi)
Whoever ate without saying Bismillah, Rasulullah SAW used to hold his
hand and urge him to say Bismillah.(Zadul ma'ad, Uswah-e Rasoole Akram)
The scholars have said that it is preferable to say the Bismillah aloud so
that it is a reminder for those who forget.
Also, Ibn Hibban is reported as saying that if Bismillah is said prior to
utilising any bounty of Allah I and Alhamdu-lillah is said after utilising
it the user will not be asked to give accountability for that bounty on
the Day of Qiyamah.
Blessings In Food
By saying Bismillah before eating, barakah is imparted to that food.
Hence, Aishah R.A. reports that Rasulullah SAW was once having meals with
the Sahabah R.A. when a Bedouin came along and joined them. He
finished all the food in two morsels. Rasulullah SAW remarked that if he
would have said Bismillah before eating, this food would have sufficed
for everyone.
And if anyone forgets to say Bismillah, he should say:
In the name of Allah at its beginning and end
This will make the Shaytan vomit the food he had eaten. (This means
that the barakah will return) (Abu Dawud)
Not Saying Bismillah - A Cause For Remaining Hungry
A person once complained to Rasulullah SAW that he ate food but still
remained hungry. Rasulullah SAW said that perhaps you are not saying
Bismillah before meals. He admitted. Rasulullah SAW said that by not
reading Bismillah your stomach does not fill.
When Undressing
Anas R.A. reports from Rasulullah SAW that when a person undresses for the
purpose of either relieving himself or bathing or having relations with
his spouse then the Shaytan interferes and plays with his/her private
parts. If He/She says Bismillah before taking off the clothes, then this
serves as a barrier and safety against the shayateen and jinnat. (Tirmidhi)
The masnun du'a mentioned in Amalul Yaum Wal Lailah is this:
With the name of Allah besides whom there is none
Worthy of worship.
Safety against Shaytan When Leaving Home
According to the ahadith anyone who recites the following du'a when
leaving the house then Allah responds by saying: “ I have given you
protection and I have saved you from your enemy, the Shaytan.”
(Thus, the Shaytan departs from him). Tirmidhi
The du'a is as follows:
With Allah’s name. I rely in Allah. There is no power to do good or abstain from evil except with the help of Allah.
Bismillah When Entering Home
Jabir R.A. reports from Rasulullah SAW that when a person says Bismillah
and enters his home and then says Bismillah and begins eating his
food then Shaytan says to his friends: “Let's get out of here. There is
no food here nor sleeping place.” And if the person does not say
Bismillah then Shaytan says to his friends: “There is food as well as
sleeping place for us here.” (Muslim, Abu Dawud)
Masnun Du'a When Entering Home
O Allah, I ask of You the good of entering and the good of leaving
(this home). With Allah's name we enter and with His name we leave
and upon Allah, our sustainer, do we rely.
Safety Against Calamities Of The Day And Night
Recite the following du’a three times after Fajr and after Maghrib:
(I begin this day) with the name of that Allah with whose name
Nothing on earth or in the heavens can cause harm. And He is All hearing, All-knowing.
Safety Of One's Deen, Life, Family And Belongings
Recite the following du’a three times after Fajr and after Maghrib:
With Allah's name do I seek protection of my deen, my life, my
children, my spouse and my belongings.
Safeguarding A Child From The Shaytan As Soon As It Is Born
Imam Bukhari R.A. has mentioned a Hadith from Abdullah bin Abbas
R.A. : Whoever says :
O Allah, keep us away from the shaytaan and keep him
Away from what You provide us with.
before having relations with his wife, the child that will be born as a
result of that will be safeguarded against the harassment of the
Shaytan. (Bukhari)
Before Every Du'a
Rasulullah SAW has said that any du'a which begins with:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
It is not rejected. (Ghunyah)
When In Pain
Uthman bin Abil Aas R.A. once complained to Rasulullah SAW about bodily
pain. Rasulullah r said that place the hand on the part that is in pain,
then say Bismillah three times and this du'a seven times:
I seek refuge in Allah and His might from what I feel and fear.
He did as he was told, and the pain disappeared.
TO BE CONTINUED……………………………
lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010
Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhadis Hazarvi (Quddissa Sirruhul azeez)
Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhadis Hazarvi (Quddissa Sirruhul azeez)- a flower who bloomed in the region of Hazara- where many such blessings of ALLAH (SWT) has been felt and received by mankind. But a flower so rare and precious that from the moment its petals opened up-the fragrance permeated to the very core of a person’s being- their soul. This is what the Almighty in HIS Infinite Mercies and Blessings sent upon HIS people with the birth of His Holiness whose blessed birth took place in the Holy month of Shaaban- 1293 AH (1872).His “Wilayat” was already established before birth not only owing to his esteemed and blessed lineage but also because of his ardent love for his Creator and the Creator’s Mahboob- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).A man powered by the love he held for ALLAH, HIS beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and all that is near and dear to The Creator. He was first an obedient servant who embodied the principles of Islam and the Sunnah of ALLAH’s beloved Messenger Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his auspicious and saintly life. The very core of his being reflected the passion and tenderness which is a key component of our faith and Imaan. His blessed birth took place in the holy month of Shaaban 1293 AH (1872).
Various muhaqqiq (researchers) including Allama Abdus Samad Sarim Al-Azhari- while writing his introduction have quoted the pious birth to be in the year of 1872 (1293 Hijri)- which is the most accurate by far.
In times of spiritual enlightenment and discussion with his son- the Sajjada Nasheen- Abu Zain Peer Syed Mohyuddin Mahboob- he had the chance of asking his Waalid-e-Huzoor- about his blessed age. To which he replied, “My son, my age- so far nobody has written it or noted my date of birth accurately, even the records have not been kept properly. When I had the pleasure to meet Hazrat Mian Muhammad Sahab (RA)- at that time I was around 26 years old. Just a year prior to that blessed occurrence- I was honoured to spend two days with Hazrat Khwaja Gulam Fareed Kot Mithanvi.”
So as per his sayings- if we take 1901- 1900 to be this period- and if his blessed age was 26 years old- then Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhadis Hazarvi (Quddissa Sirruhul azeez)- blessed year of birth happens to be around the period 1872-1876.
Preliminary Education:
It is often said that a Wali drinks from the Fountain of Love that flows directly from the cups of ALLAH’s Most Perfect of all Creations- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through a chain and that is where his key knowledge and love and spiritual achievement comes from. It is not Only what you have learnt but how you have also put it into practice.
Hence, even though Wali’s are trained spiritually through their links to the Perfect of All creations Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - a grass-root level of education is necessary.
Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhadis Hazarvi (Quddissa Sirruhul azeez) family is renowned in propagation of Islamic Jurisprudence, Pedagogue of Mystic way of life, knowledge of reality and intimate knowing knowledge of ALLAH.
Since the beginning he gained preliminary education of Islam as well as acquired authority of review of tradition from his father (an authority in Islamic Jurisprudence) Syed Mahboob Ali Shah and elder brother Syed Abdul Qazi (an expounder of irrevocable Muslim law). For further certifications he attended college of orthodox and Islamic learning Hizbul Ahnaf Lahore under precious guidance of Peer Syed Deedar Ali Shah. Later on he travelled to Muradabad to be conversant with Juridical acumen and knowledge of prophets (SAW) narrations in the presence of great scholar of Islam Naeem ud din Muradabadi (RA). He was certified for his performance. He visited Islamic varsity Muzaher Ul Aloom at Saharanpur, other prominent colleges of Islamic teachings at Delhi & Alwar. His affections to be pupil of prominent scholar Abdul Samad Rampuri Tashqandi and renowned scholarly figure Muhammad Ismail Kokalvi conferred him as an expounder of irrevocable Muslim law. He won the pre eminence of Authoritative Serenity.
Abdul Hamid Badayuni Qadri Saddar Jami’ah Da’watul-Islamia (Chair person of Sagastic Islamic Intellectual of Pakistan) introduced him as honorific appellation of MUHADDITH KABEER (Grand expert in traditions of Holy Prophet). He studied etymological accidence, Syntax grammar, lexicon, philological, accult science of numbers and letters, Rhetoric science as an intellectual person. He attained perfection status in exegetical Qur’anic work, traditionist (of prophet knowledge) and Islamic Jurisprudence.
Asceticism and attention to Mystic Exercise:
After his holiness’s study of divine law, he exercised retirement for continuous prayer in mountain range of Rajori Punch Sector Siri Nagar, Kohat, Attock, Pothohar, Rampur and Jungles of Bengal. This state of ahwal over shadowed him for about twelve years. Often he used to become a recluse under the auspicious guidance and companionship of Sufi Muhammad Azam Kaliami (RA).
He often to bask in the love and remembrance of his Creator used to resort to reclusion in a grave shape cave dug in Clay rocks of village Bai near Hassan-abdal and there performed intrusion-less worship.
Khilafat from Various Orders:
Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud- Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi had received Khilafat (spiritual authorizations) from the 4 primary Spiritual Orders of Qadiriya, Naqshbandiya, Chistiya and Suhurwardia. He had also received Khilafat in another 17 sub-orders of Spirituality such as - Shadhili, Rif’ai, Dandarawiya, Ashrafiya, Tijaani, Kubrawi, etc.
His initial Bay’ah (Pledge of Allegiance) was at the blessed hands of his pious father- Pir Syed Mahboob Ali Shah in the Chishtiya Qadiriya Silsila. His holiness’s blessed father was the Khalifa of Hazrat Khwaja Allahbaksh Taunsvi (RA).
A few notable names of the pious individuals (sheikhs) from whom he has received Khilafat are:
Pir Syed Hafiz Jamat Ali Shah Muhaddis Alipuri in 1938 in Silsila Qadiriyah ;Khwaja Abdul Rahman Choharvi Hazarvi Allawi Qadiri gave him 'ijazah' in 1920,Hadrat Abu Naeem Syed Abdul Qazi Muhaddis Hazarvi who was declared the Ghous-e-zaman, Qutb-e-waqt bestowed Khilafat on His Holiness in 1917, Pir Syed Tahir Alauddin Al Gilani Al Baghdadi conferred on His Holiness the khilafat in 1985 .
He received Khilafat in the spiritual order of Aaliya Naqshbandiya from the mentioned :from the Holy Shrine of Khwaja Imam Kallu in Srinagar in 1944-; Pir Muhammad Shafi Naqshbandi Choorahi Farooqi in 1938 who also bestowed upon him the Khalifa-e-azam of silsila Naqshbandiya Choorahiya ;Khwaja Muhammad Shafi Choorahi Farooqi bestowed upon him the Dastar (Turban of Honour) in 1942 .
His holiness was also given exclusive Khilafat of the 4 Salasil and also of the 17 sub-links in writing and was presented with the Turban of Honour in 1955 by Abul Muhamid Muhaddith al-Azam al-Hind .
An extraordinary spiritual event occurred which was witnessed by thousands of pilgrims who were visiting the Blessed Shrine of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani in Baghdad Shareef in the year of 1970. During His Holiness's stay there- the Naqeeb-ul-ashraf of that time asked him to take 'bayah'- pledge of allegiance directly on the blessed hands of Qutb-e-Rabbani, Sultan-ul-Awliya Sheikh Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA). This event was witnessed by thousands of pilgrims and by the naqeeb-ul-ashraf of the Blessed Shrine of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) of that time.
Arrival in Havelian:
In the year 1890- Hazrat Pir Syed Mahboob Ali Shah Chishti Nizami (RA) - the noble father of Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhadis Hazarvi (Quddissa Sirruhul azeez)-stayed in Havelian for a short duration of time in the pursuit of remembrance of ALLAH the Almighty and found a liking to this place for the purpose of the remembrance of ALLAH, hence he started visiting different areas for the purpose of teaching Islam. In 1901, he migrated from Sohlan to Havelian Shareef permanently and he built a shrine here and also laid the foundation for a masjid here.
Blessed Lineage:
Hazrat Pir Syed Mahboob Ali Shah’s (RA) father’s name was Hazrat Syed Faqeer Wali Shah Muhaddis. He was a renowned scholar in the field of Ilm-e-Hadith. Infact, his lectures used to be so riveting and exhilarating that dozens of people used to convert and profess their faith. He always used to advise his mureed to learn atlas 40 Hadith. Wherever he used to sit, people used to gather around him in thousands to listen to his lectures. The whole night used to go in dissipating knowledge about the Qur’an and Hadith. He used to always travel on horseback and there were always 2 white horses kept ready for his travel needs. He also liked to listen to Qawwali where there was no use of nay musical instruments. He was a very generous-spirited individual. He always tied a turban that was 18 metres long. He had a very powerful retentive memory.
It is an oft-quoted fact that whoever used to glance at him- they would start doing “zikr”. His holy shrine is located in Baeen Gujri in the District of Abbottabad. The Urs Mubarak of this blessed personality is celebrated annually. It is said that the ziyarat of his Holy Shrine is a reprieve for any troubles or problems that a person is experiencing and this has been attested to various groups of people.
Hazrat Syed Faqeer Shah Wali (RA) had been blessed with three sons- they were Hazrat Pir Syed Mahboob Ali Shah, Hazrat Syed Chand Pir Shah, and Hazrat Syed Wilayat Shah (RA).
Hazrat Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) in his book -Jami’at-ul-Khairaat has mentioned about him in great detail. His age Mubarak at the time of his passing to the realms of heavenly abodes was 186 years (approx).
During the reign of King Taimoor in India - he exiled a saint- Hazrat Ameer Kabeer Syed Shah Hamdaan (RA) from the country. He took refuge in a masjid saying that he has taken refuge in ALLAH’s house and have left your country. But, the king was not satisfied and asked him to leave even the masjid. He left for Wadi Kashmir in Srinagar where the murideen of Hazrat Syed Abdur-Rahman Shah (RA) who is also known as Hazrat Syed Bulbul Shah Sahab (RA). He was the 1st person to have spread Islam in that region of Kashmir, Srinagar. There is a disagreement whether Hazrat Ameer Kabeer Shah Sahab was the 1st to spread Islam in that area or Hazrat Bulbul Shah Sahab (RA). It is noted in history that Hazrat Ameer Kabeer Shah Sahab (RA) was welcomed by a group of muslims who were the murideen of Hazrat Bulbul Shah Sahab (RA) - infact till today there are ‘langars’ distributed there by the name of Bulbul Shah. I am the 29th generation in line from this distinguished ancestor of mine.
Hazrat Maykhband Sawati (RA) who passed away at the age of 160 years was the Khalifa of Hazrat Pir Syed Mahboob Ali Shah (RA). He had the pleasure of staying with Hazrat Pir Syed Mahboob Ali Shah (RA) in Baghdad Shareef for 12 blessed years at the Holy Shrine of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA). During this course of time- Hazrat Pir Syed Mahboob Ali Shah used to give lectures on Ilm-e-Hadith.
Hazrat Maykhband Sawati (RA) has shown various books that were written by Huzoor himself and also a Quran that was translated in Farsi (Persian Language) - which he later presented it to Hazrat Pir Syed Mahmood Shah (RA). According to Hazrat Maykhband Sawati (RA) - Hazrat Pir Syed Mahboob Shah’s age at the time of meeting with HIS Creator was approximately 200 years.
The Shajara-e-Shareef of his holiness Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi (Quddisa Sirruhul Azeez) is as follows:
Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi (Quddisa Sirruhul Azeez) s/o
Qudwatul Awliya Naqeeb-us-Sa’adat As-Sayed Mahboob Ali Shah (RA) s/o
Syyed-ul-fuqaara, Imam-ul-waasileen Syed Faqeer Shah Wali Muhaddis (RA) s/o
Imam-ul-Muhaddisin Sanad-ul-waasileen As-Sayed Nawab Shah Muhaddis (RA) s/o
Hafiz-ul-kitaabi was-sunnah As-Sayed Hafiz Umar Shah (RA) s/o
Syed Mahboob Shah (RA) s/o
Syed Kabeer Shah (RA) s/o
Syed Ma’mur Shah also known as Syed Baqir Shah (RA) s/o
Syed Aalam Shah (RA) s/o
Syed Shahyaar Muhammad (RA) s/o
Syed Faqeer Shah Muhammad Qutb (RA) s/o
Syed Rahmatullah Shah (RA) s/o
Syed Mahmood Muhaddis (RA) s/o
Syed Zain-ul-Abideen (RA) s/o
Syed Naseer-ud-deen also known as Syed Obaid (RA) s/o
Syed Ali Sher Ibrahim (RA) s/o
Syed Abdul Kareem (RA) s/o
Syed Wajih-ud-deen (RA) s/o
Syed Wali-ud-deen also known as Syed Fathu-d-deen (RA) s/o
Syed Muhammad Ghaazi at-thaani (RA) s/o
Syed Sultan Raza-ud-deen also known as Syed Riaz-ud-deen (RA) s/o
Syed Sultan Sadruddin also known as Syed Abdul Wahab (RA) s/o
Syed Sultan Muhammad Ahmad Sabiq (RA) s/o
Syed Hussain Al-Mashhad (ruler of Ajmer-Khangsawar) (RA) s/o
Syed Sultan Ali Abdulla (Ruler of Balkh & balband) (RA) s/o
Syed Abdur-rahman Shah also known as Syed Bulbul Shah (RA) s/o
Syed Ishaque Saani (RA) s/o
Syed Muhammad Aalam (RA) s/o
Syed Abdulla Qassim (RA) s/o
Syed Muhammad Awwal (RA) s/o
Syed Ishaque-ul-Muwwaffiq (RA) s/o
Syed Imam Musa Kaazim (RA) s/o
Syed Imam Jafar-as-Sadiq (RA) s/o
Syed Imam Muhammad Baqir (RA) s/o
Syed Imam Ali Zain-ul-Abideen (RA) s/o
Syed Imam-us-Shuhadaa Imam Hussain (AS) s/o
Syyeda Fatima-tuz-Zahra (RA) - the beloved and noble daughter of
ALLAH’s Perfect Creation- The Leader of All Worlds- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Role of Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) in Tehreek-e-Pakistan:
Pir Syed Jamat Ali Shah Muhaddis Alipuri- together with his holiness visited the whole of India (Before the Partition) with special emphasis on the Subha-sarhad areas. Hazrat Muhaddis Alipuri always asked his holiness to give lectures and speeches on the need of a separate Muslim State. The Subha-Sarhad areas or the NWFP were pivotal at this stage of negotiations with the Government. The Pir of Manki Shareef (RA) - had received a proposal as to whether to include the Subha-Sarhad areas in India or to have them as part of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
The Pir of Manki Shareef (RA) had been privileged to study the Quran under the guidance ship of Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez). During this historical tour- Hazrat Sahab advised him to support the referendum of including the Subha Sarhad areas under Pakistan. He also advised him to enlist and induct his followers and supporters to support the same.
Owing to the personal nature of the relationship between Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) and Hazrat Manki Shareef (RA) and the respect and the reverence that he had for Hazrat Sahab- he travelled with him throughout the Subha Sarhad areas or the NWFP to gather support and encouragement.
It so happened that when Qaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah reached the Atak bridge- he saw groups of people standing in two rows which stretched upto Peshawar. Infact, there were Lakhs of people who were rallying for the NWFP to be included in Pakistan- almost 1.2 million people were gathered there showing their support and pledging allegiance.
This struggle of Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) encouraged Hazrat Manki Shareef (RA) to gather support of followers and friends and hence, NWFP became a part of Pakistan.
Mystic Literary Achievements:
Be it the arena of Literature, Islamic History, Islamic Faith, Propagation of Islam or its services- Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) has excelled in all.
In the community of Muslim Mystics and Sufis- Hazrat Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi (Quddisa-Sirruhul-azeez) is the only person to have authored over 1000 books- 1002 books to be exact.
Out of those 1002 books- 6- books were just written on ONE chapter of Islamic Fiqh and its explanation and the various terminologies that were used therein. Part of his noble legacy was a collection of over 25 books that were written on poetry itself. Another 10 books covered Islamic history. He has created this noble legacy which he has left for one and all to derive benefit from his splendorous works which are written in Arabic, Urdu, Punjabi and Farsi. He has also written various books on Tafseer and Hadith.
There are three books which he has written which include 40 Hadith each. One of these books- the Mawahibun Nabaviyyah- comprises 40 Hadith with their Sanad (Chain of Narration) which is Sahih Marfooan and each of the chain of narrations end with him.
E.g.: It is narrated by Abu Mas’ud Syed Mahmood Shah and he said he has heard from his father Syed Mahboob Shah who has heard it from his father Syed Nawab to whom it has been narrated by his father Hafizul Kitab-wa Sunnah Syed Umar Shah who was told by Abu Tahir Al-Madani who was told by his father Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Qurdi who was told by Zain-ul-Abideen who was told by his father Abdul Qadir who was in turn told by his grandfather Yahya to whom it was narrated by his grandfather Muhib who was told by his father’s uncle Abil Yumen who was told by his father Shihab Ahmad who was told by his father Radi-ud-din who was informed by Abil Qasim who was told by As-Sayed Abi Muhammad who was told by his father Abil-Hassan who was told by his father Abi Talib who was told by his father Abi Ali who was informed by his father Muhammad Zahid who was told by his father Abi Ali who was informed by his father Abi Qassim who was told by his father Hussain who was told by his father Ja’far who was told by his father Abdullah who was informed by his father Zain-ul-Abideen who was told by his father the Sayyed-as-Shuhadaa- Imam Hussain (RA) who was told by his father the “Assad-ullah” Maula Ali (Karram ALLAHu wajhahul Kareem) and to whom it was narrated by the Perfect of All Creations- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who narrated:
“La Yuminu ahadukum hatta yakuna hawahu taba-al-lima ji’tu bihi.”
Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) has produced great, mesmerizing works of poetry in Arabic, Urdu, Pushtu, Farsi, Punjabi, Hindko and pourbi. He also used to give lectures and speeches using full command of the above-mentioned languages to large gatherings.
Listed are few of his literary works of art beginning with his poetic and prose compilations followed by works in other subjects:
Rah-e-Safa,Irfan-e-Mahmood,Mehfil-e-Mahboob,Naat-e-Mahmood,Yaade--Habib,Rafeeq-e-Mahmood,Mussalla-se-haali,Zikr-e-Jameel,Zaad-e-Mahmood,Maqaalat-e-Mahmood,Zikr-e-Habib,Salaam-e-Mahmood,Shajre Tayyiba,Hifz-e-deen-o-imaan,Saheefa-tahqeeqat,Manqabat Ghaus-e-azam,Naseem-e-hijaz,Tohfa-e-Mas’ud & many more
The other books are:
Al-Jihad,Ahya-ul-Adab,Uswa-e-Hasana,Ad-daulatul Qadiriya,Anwaar-e-Qadiriya,Arbaeene Nabaviyyah,Arbaeene Mahmoodiya,Arbaeene Khawateen,Al-Ijaazah,Ifaazah,At-tahreem ash-sahreeya an-imaamatil kharijiya, Jawazu-sirat,Iqbal aur midhate-mustafa,Al-Ittihad wal Jihad,Maqame-us-Sunniyah,Tahqeeq-e-khair,Jami’a-ul-khairaat,Malfuza-e-Mahmood,Maamulate Islamiya,Nizam-e-Maqsood,Sharafate Saadat,Zurriyati Ahmad, Munajaate-Mahmood,Tohfa-tus-saadat,Shahid-e-Maqbool,Hifz-ul-ahnaaf,Al-Saif-ul-maslool,Dastoor-e- Haqq (A translation of Quran-e-Kareem) and many more.
He translated the Quran-e-Kareem because he felt there was a need for it as grammatical errors were appearing in translations. Misinterpretations and a biased view of translators were sidelining them from the glorious text that the Quran-e-Kareem is. This was occurring since the last 1000 years and Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) wanted to rectify the same. Hence, he kept the translation of the Quran’s name as Dastur-e-Haqq.
Infact, he started from Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem itself. A conventional translation would be- “Start in the name of ALLAH- the Merciful, the Benevolent”. Huzoor Sahab drew out an exemplary translation of the verse as “ALLAH- in Whose name we start- for Whom Forgiveness is common, Of Special Favours/Mercies”.
The ayah states that we have to start with the name of ALLAH but normal translations start with asking and then mentions ALLAH’s name later- whereas in his translation- the first word to come out from a Muslim’s mouth would be ALLAH and not any other word.
Another point to note is that often people translate Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem as simply Most Merciful and Most benevolent whereas he pointed out that He is Most Merciful as HE is King of kings and for HIM to grant forgiveness is common as ONLY a King can grant forgiveness but for the receiver or the subjects to receive the favour of a King is a privilege, an honour- he used an oxymoron- comparing something which for HIM is commonplace but for the person to receive it is special, distinctive.
Also, normally translators translate Ar-Rahman to be Merciful and Ar-Raheem to be Compassionate- but by translating Ar-rahman to be the One Whose Forgiveness is commonplace- it is for all- believers and non-believers and of Ar-rahim- The One Who is Benevolent as a special case- which is for the believers- hence, the full translation becomes:
“ALLAH- in Whose name we start, Whose forgiveness is for everyone and Grace for special ones”- here the special ones implies- the believers.
In Surah Al-Fatiha- a commonplace translation of “Ihdena-s-siraatal Mustaqeem”- is “Show us the right path”. Here, Hazrat Sahab translated it to “Make us walk the straight path”. A clear distinction here is that we are not only asking HIM to show us the Straight path but also make us walk and adhere to the straight path. A Saying in English is, “Don’t just talk the talk but walk the walk”. Definitely, we have to also walk on the straight path not only to see it and forget it or think about it.
In the verse, “Iyyaka nastaeen”- it is often translated as “we wish for your help”- in principal- this sentence points to the fact that help is not provided to us all the time and hence we wish for it. He translated it as, “we get help Only from YOU”- meaning we are agreeing and acknowledging the fact that we get help always from HIM- The Almighty Only and we want more of it.
In Surah Baqarah- the ayah, “udillu bihi kaseera wa yahdi bihi kaseera”- the translators have translated it as- He misguides people! La hawla wa la quwata illah billahil aliyul azeem! Can ALLAH misguide people- is it not a negative trait that we are relating to HIM. Misguidance is not part of HIS splendour and Majesty. ‘To misguide’ is a weakness and weakness CANNOT be a part of HIM and if you see HIS attributes- you will see ‘Hadi’ but not ‘Mudil’. Hence, to translate it as such is not principally or faith-wise correct as this contradicts our basic Imaan and this is not the correct translation of the Qur’an. He translated it as “through this HE allows people to get misguided”.
In Surah Rahman- the ayah “Fa bi ayyi aalai rabbikuma tukkazibaan”- which is mentioned after almost every verse- the translators have just translated it as “which of the favours of your Lord can you deny” but Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) has translated it by joining this verse with the previously-mentioned verse hence bringing a flow and a sequence to the meaning.
Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) was a versatile person. He was a literal author, Jurist, exegetical writer, translator, Interpreter, expounder of irrevocable code of Muslim law, scholar of tradition, innovator, orator, preceptor, savant, a saintly Mentor having intimate knowledge of ALLAH. His personality was a reflection of Islam and Sharia’h which he not only taught about but put into practice in his daily life.
He was blessed with the love of his Creator and was honoured to perform the holy pilgrimage eleven times in his auspicious life and he had performed over 200 Umrah’s. It is often said that the number 11 that pertains to his pilgrimage is a spiritual affiliation with Hazrate Ghous-ul-Azam (RA) and because of Hazrat Sahab’s yearning and love for Ghous-ul-azam (RA)- he performed Hajj 11 times. Only ALLAH knows best. Last time he benefited himself by performing obligation in sanctuaries of Makkah-tul-mukarrama and Madinah-tul-Munnawwara was in 1985 AD.
Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) and his stand against the Qadianis:
The Qadianis had started gaining a foothold in the Muslim community. Sheikh-ul-Islam Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi (Quddisa Sirruhul Azeez) was not about to stand by and let them spread slanderous and blasphemous lies and distortions of ALLAH (SWT), HIS Beloved Prophet- The Seal of Prophet-hood Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his teachings.
Inspite of this fitnah spreading right from the grass-root level right to the very apex of society- Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) played a very decisive role in not only containing this fitnah but obliterating it completely.
In 1984, a General in the Pakistan army- General Mahmood Al-Hassan had arranged for a seminar in Flashman’s Hotel in Rawalpindi where the top-dog of the Qadiani Movement was the key speaker. This conference had invited one and all from General to Captain to Brigadier to come and erase their doubts about the Qadiani Movement.
A mureed of Huzoor - Colonel Dr.Sayed Hamid Mukhtar -a urologist- requested him to come so as to address this fitnah .
Though this was an event by-invitation Only- when Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) entered the hotel- the guards on duty escorted him personally to the conference hall and seated him up front. Nobody could stop him from entering. Everyone was silent and just watched.
At that moment Mirza Tahir Qadiani was delivering a sermon when Sheikh-ul-Islam Pir Abu Mas’ud Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi (Quddisa Sirruhul Azeez) entered. He was reciting the ayah:
“Al-yauma akmaltu lakum dinakum wa atmamtu alaikum niamti wa radee’ti lakum-ul-islama deena..”-Surah Maida, verse 3
Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) wrote on a piece of paper, “ you are reciting a verse from the Holy Quran-e-majeed which is a book for people with Imaan and only a person who has Imaan can quote from that source. A Muslim’s Imaan states that ALLAH (SWT) has mentioned an answer to all questions therein, HE has also mentioned about everything in the Holy Quran and all decisions are also mentioned therein- if your answer is in the affirmative- then the Quran mentions the finality of Prophet-hood, the Seal of Nubuwwah as being Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - hence if you believe this then how can Mirza Ghulam Qadiani be a Prophet? If your answer is in the negative and you do not believe in the Holy Quran being the word of ALLAH- then why are you reciting the above-mentioned verse? Read this question out aloud and also give an answer to the same.”
Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was speechless when he read the note and was flustered as he did not know what to do next. He finished the gathering and said he will give the answer in Rabwa which is the hub of the Qadianis- where all their illicit and irreligious acts and decisions take place. But within the next 48 hours, he left for the UK- but Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) also followed him to the UK.
Mirza was organizing gatherings and holding rallies. Pir Sahab (Quddisa Sirruhul Azeez) also organized rallies and gatherings and warned people about Mirzaiyat and that the people preaching and their followers who are practicing it are not Muslims but murtads. His holiness also challenged Mirza to answer his question and if he did not answer his question then he would not be able to enter Pakistan dead or alive.
What answer could Mirza give anyway?! He was not able to give the answer till his last breath. It is a karamat of a Wali that what he says or utters ALLAH (SWT) accepts and makes it happen- because Huzoor Pir Abu Mas’ud Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi (Quddisa Sirruhul Azeez) said that Mirza could not come to Pakistan dead or alive till he answered his question and that is exactly what happened. Mirza died outside Pakistan and even his dead body could not be brought into Pakistan. ALLAH-u-Akbar.
It was a forte of Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi- (Quddisa-Sirruhul Azeez) to have spoken to the Qadianis top-dog face-to-face because various Ulama and saints have talked to them but through links and channels- never face-to-face. The only one to have talked to them face-to-face was Hazrat Sahab and also defeated them. He uprooted this fitnah right from the grass-root level itself. Whilst there are a myriad of karamat of Huzoor Sahab- this is definitely the biggest of them all.
Dialect between Philosopher Bernard Shaw and Muhaddith Hazarvi:
In a debate about the veracity of religions philosopher Bernard Shaw asked the meaning of Alphabetical Acronyms used in the Holy Quran from some of the scholars of Islam and so called saints. Their negative answer and unawareness that such meanings are not known to any one frustrated him. He uttered impudent statements on their limit of knowledge and also had the audacity to question whether the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) was also unaware of the meaning too otherwise he might have narrated all the subtle points of the Quran (Astagfirullah).
Such an offensive and insolent tone contrary to scholastic philosophy became unbearable to the sagacity and to the acumen of Sheikh-ul-Islam Pir Syed Abu Mas’ud Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi (Quddisa Sirruhul Azeez).He contacted Bernard Shaw and explained the Qur’anic exegesis of the words logically and scholarly. It’s mentioned below:
Meem-Muhammad-ur-Rasool ALLAH
Bernard Shaw lay down his arms and gave in before the unbounded intimate knowledge of Muhaddis Hazarvi. He confessed the supremacy of Islam and commended that the subcontinent indeed exposes a mystic scholar of Islam who knows the Holy Quran realistically and by factual context.
Foundation of Khilafat Movement:
Sheikh-ul-Islam Hazrat Pir Abu Mas’ud Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi (Quddisa Sirruhul Azeez) laid the foundation of Khilafat Movement and struggled for the restoration of a Sharia’h ruled Government. With that singular purpose in mind- he laid down the demands for a Sharia’h based Government in the form of ten points which were presented to the participants of The Islamic Summit in Feb 1974 at Lahore.
It is an obligation for all the Muslims that they should publish these ten points noted below in all the languages spoken in any Muslim country so that they may be given serious thought:
1. The name of every Muslim country should be prefixed by the word ‘KHILAFAT’ and the constitution of every country should be Islamic Sharia’h.
2. There should be a world bank for all Muslim countries.
3. To establish a common market for Muslim countries.
4. The learning of Quran and Sunnah and Muslim Law should be compulsory along with free education up to secondary school level.
5. A short course of religious knowledge to be made compulsory for all civil servants.
6. To constitute a registered body of Ulama and Mashaikh in every Muslim country so as to carry on a program of enjoining good and forbidding evil.
7. A Universal joint Islamic court for ultimate decisions of cases in all Muslim countries.
8. A common Army of the Muslim world.
9. To establish a joint Islamic atomic energy commission and a central Ordinance Factories for the combined defense of Muslim countries.
10. At the occasion of Pilgrimage, a close-door conference of head of the states for all Muslim countries to be held annually to resolve the problems. Arabic should be constituted the universal media of communication for the Muslims.
Blessed and Pious family life:
Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhadis Hazarvi (Quddissa Sirruhul azeez) - had 4 sons and 5 daughters from his first auspicious and blessed union which was to a pious lady who belonged to the noble and renowned Sayyed family of Rajouri of Kashmir valley. All of his sons passed away to meet their Creator at very tender ages- before even reaching the ages of 1. One of the boys -when he was just eight months old- used to do zikr-e-ilaahi. They were all Wali’s.
In 1970, when he went on a pilgrimage to visit the Haramain Shareef and from there visited Iraq and Iran- he stayed at Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani’s Holy Shrine. There while the karamat occurred whereas he gave bay’ah to Ghous-ul-azam directly- he was asked to enter into the second matrimonial bond as per the Will and pleasure of ALLAH- The Almighty. Hazrat Sahab was almost 100 years old by then. He was blessed with 5 sons and 2 daughters out of that blessed bond as per the blessings of ALLAH.
Hazrat Abu Zain Peer Syed Mohyuddin Mahboob Hanfee Qadri Kazmi is the first -born and basharat came from Madinah Munawwara and Baghdad Shareef to His Holiness- that the first-born will be a born Wali and a great learned scholar. He would also be blessed to perform Hajj whilst still a young infant and will get lost 3 times and will then be found again. His Holiness was asked to name him “Mohyuddin”.
The Naqeeb-ul-ashraaf Syed Yusuf Al-Gilani Al-Baghdadi- wrote the name of Hazrat Mufakirey Islam Abu Zain Peer Syed Mohyuddin Mahboob from Baghdad Shareef and sent it to Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Masu’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhadis Hazarvi. Mustafa Bakshi Ali Khan from Madinah Munawwara sent glad tidings that ALLAH- through HIS Infinite Grace and Mercy and Blessings- is sending a new guest, a young guest and sent his felicitations.
Major Mirza Yaqub Baig Qadri Thatthi Mughla- wrote a letter to the Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Mas’ud- Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi (Quddisa Sirruhul Azeez)- telling him that His Holiness would be blessed with a noble and blessed son.
Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Pir Syed Abu Mas’ud Mahmood Shah Muhaddis Hazarvi (Quddisa Sirruhul Azeez)- after having spread his barakah from his pious and ascetic life- passed away to meet his Creator on the 1st of Rajab during Fajr Prayers ,1413 Hijri. His Urs Mubarak is celebrated annually in Khanka Mahboobabad Havelian Shareef on the 24th and the 25th of December.
Khanka Mahboobabad Shareef
Havelian City
District Abbottabad, Pakistan
Syed Sabir Hussain Kazmi, Syed Altaf Hussain Shah Qadri, Syed Shah Hussain Chisti Taunsvi, Syed Gulzar Hussain Shah Qadri Syed Ashiq Hussain Gilani, Syed Maqsood Hussain Shah Kazmi took part in the burial process. His funeral Prayer was led by Hazrat Mufakerey Islam Abu Zain Peer Syed Mohyuddin Mahboob Hanfee Qadri Kazmi and His Excellency is currently the Sajjada Nasheen of the Holy Shrine Of Mahboobabad Shareef Havelian and Authorised Sheikh(Saint) Of 4 Silsilahey Tareeqat and 18 Secoundary Branches of Spirituality. Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam Abu Masu’ud Pir Syed Mahmood Shah Muhadis Hazarvi has been buried to the left hand-side of his elder brother Sultanul Aouliya Qutbul Aqtab Hazrat Abu Naeem Syed Abdul Qazi Shah Kazmi Qadri Naqsbandi Chishti Jamatee (RA) in the existing Holy Shrine of Khanka Mahboobabad Shareef Havelian.
Autor : Sayyeda Gilani Bibi
jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010
Los Modales del Musulmán
1. La Veracidad:
Entre los modales islámicos que Allah y su Mensajero han ordenador se encuentra la veracidad. Dice Allah en el Corán: ( ¡ Creyentes! Temed a Allah y permaneced con los sinceros.) ( At-Tawbah El arrepentimiento 9:119). El Profeta (SAW) dijo: “La Veracidad quía a la rectitud, y la rectitud lleva al Paraíso. La persona continua diciendo la verdad hasta que es escrito antes Allah como veraz”. (Muslim).
2. Devolver los depósitos dejados en confianza
El Islam ha ordenado a los musulmanes que devuelvan los depósitos dejados en confianza; dice Allah (SWT) en el Corán: ( Allah os ordena que restituyáis los depósitos a sus propietarios y que cuando decidáis entre los hombres lo hagáis con justicia.) (An-Nisaa`Las Mujeres 4:58). El Profeta (SAW) fue apodado ´El Fidedigno por su tribu, ya que ellos le confiaban su riqueza para que la guardase. Cuando Allah (SWT) permitió al Profeta (SAW) emigrar de Makkah a Madinah debido al aumneto de la presión que sufría él y sus seguidores, el Profeta (SAW) no emigró hasta haber devuelto todo el dinero que se le había depositado en confianza, a pesar de que los dueños de dichos depósitos eran incrédulos. Ek Islam nos ha ordenador que devolvemos los depósitos dejandos en confianza sin tener en cuenta si los depositantes son musulmanes o profesan otra religión.
3. Cumplir las promesas:
Cumplir las promesas es otro de los modales esenciales islámicos; dice Allah (SWT) en el Corán: (¡Cumplid todo compromiso, porque se pedirá cuanta de él¡) (Al-Israa ´El Viaje Nocturno 17.34) y también (Quienes observan fielmente la alianza con Allah y no violan lo pactado) (Ar-Rad El Trueno 13:20). El Profeta (SAW) nos informó que una de las características del hipócrita es que no cumple sus promesas.
4. La humildad:
El Musulmán se Caracteriza por la humildad con que convive con sus hermanos en la fe, ya sean estos ricos o pobre. Dice Allah (SWT): ( y ¡SÉ benévolo con los creyentes¡) ( Al-Hiyr 15:88). El Profeta (SAW) dijo: “Allah me ha inspirado que seais benévolos entre sí, que nadie se comporte jactanciosamente ni oprima a los demás”. (Muslim).
miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010
Bismillah (In the Name of Allah) is the start of all good things, so we shall start with it. This blessed phrase is a mark of Islam, one constantly recited by all creatures through their tongues of disposition. If you want to perceive its inexhaustible source of strength and blessing, consider the following allegory: With reference to all-important projects, works, chores and missions, the shari'ah has urged its adherents to begin them with: Bismillah (In the Name of Allah) is a blessed treasure. It transforms your boundless weakness and poverty, by binding you to the Omnipotent and Merciful One's infinite Power and Mercy, into the most heeded intercessor at His Exalted Court. When you say Bismillah, you act in His name. You are like a soldier acting in the state's name, fearing no one, doing all things in the name of the law and the state, and persisting against all odds.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
The Hadith states: According to another version:
When there is no barakah the chances are that a person will not be
successful in that project. Therefore,
Any important work that does not begin with Bismillah is imperfect.
Any important work that does not begin with Bismillah
is devoid of Barakah
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Should be read before beginning that project or work.
Bismillah: The Essence Of The Holy Qur'an
According to some scholars, Surah Al-Fatihah is the essence of the
entire Qur'an. And:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
is the essence of Surah Al-Fatihah.
When Bismillah Was Revealed…
Jabir R.A. is reported to have said that when: BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
was revealed, the clouds gave way by moving to the East, the winds
Ceased blowing, the oceans became calm, the creatures prepared
themselves to listen, the shayatin were pelted with fire from the
heavens and Allah I, swearing an oath by His honour, declared:
Anyone who says this name of mine upon anything, I will surely impart
barakah in that thing. Ad Durrul Manthur and Ibn Kathir
Bismillah Before Wahi
In Ad-Durrul Manthur, Ibn Umar R.A. is reported as saying that surely,
whenever Jibreel A.S. used to bring wahi to Rasulullah SAW, he used to first recite: BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
The reason for the above is as follows: in Bismillah there are three
names of Allah I:
1) Allah I which is His personal name indicating that all projects can
only be initiated by the will and wish of Allah I.
2) Rahman (Kind) which is His attributive name indicating that
only Allah I can keep that project intact and existent
(guarding it against destruction).
3) Rahim (Most Merciful) which is also His attribute name indicating
that only Allah I can, through His mercy and grace, enable any
person to derive benefit from that project.
This clearly proves that any project beginning with: BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
will be granted barakah (blessings) from the beginning till the end.
Bismillah Before Doing Anything
It is for this reason that Rasulullah SAW used to recite: BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Before doing any work. He also advised the ummah to do the same.
For example, reading it before shutting the door, before putting out the
light, before taking meals, before drinking water, before boarding any
mode of transport.
The Beauty Of Islam
Islam is not confined only to the masjid and madrasah. It is a way of life.
Each and every aspect of a Muslim's life is supposed to be deen. It is for
this reason that Rasulullah SAW has shown the ummah simple little
methods which would render each and every worldly affair of his to
become deen and for which he will be rewarded. It is for this reason
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
before any action, will render that action into an ibadah for which the
reader will be rewarded. Besides by saying: BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
before any action, one is suggesting that his every affair - whether small
or big - can only be accomplished with the help and mercy of Allah I.
Thus every activity of a person will become an ibadah. By doing this, he
will draw closer to Allah and distance himself from the accursed
Shaytan. And by not doing this he will deprive none other than himself.
According to Ibn Abbas t in Ad-Durrul Manthur, Rasulullah r has said
that people are unaware of the blessings of one ayah of the Holy Qur'an
which was revealed to no one other than me and Sulaiman A.S.. And
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Remembering Allah Through His Three Thousand Names
It is mentioned in Tafsir Ruhul Bayan that Allah I has three thousand
names. He revealed one thousand to the angels, one thousand to the
prophets u, three hundred are mentioned in the Towrah, three
hundred in the Zabur, three hundred in the Injil, and ninety-nine in the
Holy Qur'an. One name He has kept to Himself; He revealed it to no
one. He has condensed all His names into the three names contained in:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
They are Allah, Rahman and Rahim. Any person saying: BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Is as though he has remembered Allah I by His three thousand names.
Teaching Children To Say Bismillah: A Means Of
Forgiveness For Parents
It is reported from Abdullah bin Abbas RA. that as soon as the tutor says
to a child, read: BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIMIn the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
the teacher, the child and the child’s parents are all guaranteed
freedom from the fire of Jahannam.
An Incident
It is reported that prophet Isa A.S. passed by a grave whose inmate was
being tormented. After some days he happened to pass by the same
grave again. This time there was no punishment. The inmate was in
great comfort. This surprised him a great deal. He asked Allah I:
“Lord, what brought about Your mercy so that you have lifted the
punishment from this person?” Allah I replied: “O Isa, when the man
died, he left behind a child. When his mother took him to the
madrasah, the child said: BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
In the presence of the teacher, it does not befit me to keep on punishing
his father while he called me Rahman and Rahim. Hence, I forgave him.
Bismillah - A Means Of Deliverance From Punishment
It is reported from Abdullah bin Mas'ood t that: BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIMIn the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
has 19 letters and the angels of Jahannam are also 19. Anyone who
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
will be safeguarded against the 19 angels of Jahannam
Tafsir Qurtubi and Durrul Manthur, volume 1 page 9
Bismillah - A Means Of High Status In The Hereafter
Rasulullah SAW. Is reported as saying that any du’a, which begins with BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
is not rejected. By saying: BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
The scales of my ummah will become heavy on the Day of Qiyamah”.
The other people will enquire: “Why are the virtues of the Ummah of Muhammad so heavy?” Their prophets will reply: “In the utterances of the Ummat of Muhammad SAW. there is such an honorable name of Allah I that if it is placed on one
side of the scale, and the sins of the entire creation are placed onto the
Other side, then the side with the virtues will be heavier.”
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