The month of Muharram is upon us- a month of sacrifice, a month of love and valor all rolled into one- a time which has left a lasting impression in the sands of time. A month where Sayyeda-as-Shuhada Imam Hussain (AS)'s family made the biggest sacrifice ever in the history of Islam ONLY so that we- the muslim Ummah today can still call ourselves muslims and continue practicing Islam- a blessing from ALLAH (SWT).
Their sacrifices were so great that one cannot even put them into words as words will get over but mention of their sacrifices will not. During this blessed month- remembrance of their sacrifice is often done through increased nawafil, by keeping fasts, tilawat-e-Quran,zikr and other meritorious acts which InshaALLAH will earn us closeness to ALLAH (SWT) & to the Blessed Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and to the ahle-bayt.
The Ahle-Bayt- the family of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through Maula Ali (AS) & Hazrat-e-Bibi Fatima (AS), a family synonymous with strength of Emaan & strength of character. A family which has been mentioned in the Holy Quran by ALLAH (SWT). A family whose companionship is not only beneficial in this life but also in the hereafter.
But, indeed the road to goodness and Taqwa is always impaired by the Satan. In today's civilised and advanced world- camaraderie with the saints and the pious people is considered old-fashioned, baseless and some people have even gone to the extent of calling it a sin! They claim that friendship with the pious people in order to gain closeness to ALLAH (SWT) is wrong as one can gain closeness to ALLAH (SWT) simply by completing their faraiz. They also claim that there is no special bond between ALLAH and the ahle-bayt- and say that infact the people of the Ahle-bayt are simply ordinary folks like everyone else!!
But these same people who claim that there is no bond between ALLAH and them and also that they are just plain-old common people are the same ones who believe in the Queen of England and her heritage! Such hypocrites are even very proud of their own lineage and trace back to their ancestors being land-lords and plantation owners but forget that the Ahle- Bayt are the inheritors of heaven!
The Ahle-Bayt are the ones who can trace their lineage back to the Most Beloved of all- ALLAH's Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)! Imagine a person saying that they are from the same family on whom ALLAH (SWT) bestowed HIS favours upon. There is a hadith narrated from Maula Ali (ßÑã Çááå æÌåå) that states that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said to Hazrate Fatimah (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ), “Indeed ALLAH becomes angry when you are angry and HE is pleased when you are pleased.” Subhan ALLAH!
This is but one of the many Hadiths and verses of the Holy Quran where ALLAH (SWT) has commanded HIS followers to love and respect and keep companionship with the family of HIS Beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and in this article I will enumerate just a few as the rest can be found in my upcoming book- "The Ahle-Bayt- Inheritors of Heaven"- InshaALLAH.
This article has a special place in this month of Muharram for even if on the normal days- these hypocrites can shun the Ahle-bayt but then what about the month of Muharram- which is covered in their pure blood shed ONLY for the love of ALLAH (SWT) and HIS true religion- Islam? I hope that after reading this article- the people out there who are not currently keeping company with the pious and the God-fearing will change their directions and go towards them and not away from them…
I have listed below few verses from the Holy Quran which states the importance of Ahle-Bayt followed by Hadiths.
Hadrat Shibli Nu'mani, Rahmatullahi 'alayh, writes in his book, Sirat-e-Nu'mani that "the Ahle-Bayt were the fountainhead of Hadith, Fiqh, and in fact, all religious learning,"and because of this truth, many seekers of Islamic knowledge sought after Imam Muhammad al-Baqir, (Radi Allahu 'Anh), as he possessed great knowledge of the Noble Qur'an and the Sunnah of Sayyidina Rasul-e-Akram (Salla Allahu alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallim). Many of the Tabi'een, Taba at-Tabi'een, fuqaha, and mujtahideen, related and reported numerous Islamic sciences on the authority of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir, (Radi Allahu 'Anh), as he was distinguished for his extensive knowledge of Islamic science and for his subtle indication as to the meanings of the Ayats of the Noble Qur'an. Because of the great knowledge of Hadith that ALLAH blessed him with, his name is found in the isnad of many Sahih Ahadith collections. He was also known for his conveying the history and life of Nabi Akram, (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim), and his family. He became recognised as one of the Fuqaha of Madinah who many learned men would come to for answers to questions of jurisprudence. A famous quote from him that describes this station held by the Ahle-Bayt came from the question he was asked regarding ALLAH's Ayat in Surah an-Nahl: "Ask the Ahl al-Dhikr if you do not know", to which he answered: "We are the Ahl al-Dhikr."
The Verse of Purity (Ayat Al-Tathir):
"... ALLAH only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to purify you a (thorough) purifying." Noble Qur'an (33:33)
The above verse from Noble Qur'an, is known as Ayat Al-Tathir, refers to the members of the household of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), which include exclusively Prophet Muhammad, Imam Ali, Fatima Zahra, Imam Hasan, and Imam Hussain (peace be upon them all). Hence Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) other offspring, wives, sons of paternal uncles, and dwellers of his house are not to be called as Prophet Muhammad's Ahle Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt).
This argument is based on the genuine and authentic traditions narrated by the Sahaba, companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recorded in both the Sunni and Shia sources.
Mawaddat al-Qurba (al-Mawaddah Fil-Qurba) or Expressed love for the close of kin:
In this Last Word of ALLAH (Noble Qur'an), Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is being commanded to ask the believers to love his kith and kin (that is his Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt)) and that would be the return of his apostleship. Hence, to love the Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) has been obligatory (wajib) command of ALLAH on every Muslim.
"Say (O Muhammad, unto mankind): I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives." Noble Qur'an (42:23)
The Verse of Malediction (Mubahala):
"But whoever disputes with you (O' Muhammad) in this matter after what has come to you of knowledge then say: Come, let us call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and our selves and your selves, then let us beseech ALLAH and invoke HIS curse upon the liars." Holy Quran (3:61)
The Verse of Prayer (Salat):
"Surely ALLAH and HIS angels bless the Prophet; O you who believe! Call for (divine) blessings on him and salute him with a (becoming) salutation." Holy Quran (33:56)
In his 'Tafsir al-Kabir', Fakhruddin Razi, commenting on the above verse, narrates the following quotation from the Prophet, who was asked by some of his companions on how to send blessings upon him. ALLAH's Prophet (PBUH) replied: "Say: 'O ALLAH, send blessings on Muhammad and on Muhammad's progeny as You sent blessings on Abraham and on Abraham's progeny; and send grace on Muhammad and on Muhammad's progeny, as You sent grace on Abraham and on Abraham's progeny, You are the Praiseworthy, the Glorious."' Before giving this narration, Razi interprets the verse and comments: 'This is a proof of the Shafi'i school, because order means an obligation; so, to send blessings on the Prophet (PBUH) is obligatory, at least in the Tashahhud (testimony during the prayers) if not elsewhere."
Razi further argues: 'If ALLAH and HIS angels send their blessings on him (the Prophet), then what need is there for our blessings?" He, himself, provides the answer: 'When we send blessings on him, it is not because he is in need of them, but, because of already having ALLAH's blessings, he does not even require the blessings of the angels. When we send, we send to glorify ALLAH, and, also, it (sending blessings) reveals our gratitude towards ALLAH, so that HE may have compassion on us and reward us. That is why the Prophet (PBUH) said; "Whoever sends blessings on me once, ALLAH will send blessings on him ten times."
The Verse of Feeding:
"The righteous truly drink of a cup tempered with camphor - A fountain from which the servants of Allah drink, making it flow in abundance. They fulfil vows and fear a day, the evil of which is widespread. And they give food, out of love for Him, to the poor and the orphan and the captive. We feed you, for Allah's pleasure only - We desire from you neither reward nor thanks. Surely we fear from our Lord a stem, distressful day. So Allah will ward off from them the evil of that day, and cause them to meet with splendour and happiness; And reward them, for their steadfastness, with a Garden and with silk." Holy Quran (76:5-13)
These verses of the Holy Quran speak of the Ahlul-Bayt, and places them at the top of preference and piety and shows them as examplars and models for mankind so that the generations are rightly guided through them and follow their right way. The historical occasion to which these blessed verses refer is the great status of Ahlul-Bayt . When Ali, Fatima and their two sons Hasan and Husein (peace be upon them all) fasted for three consecutive days, and each day at the time of breaking the fast some needy person, as verse number eight indicates, appeared and the Ahlul-Bayt gladly fed him, and themselves passed the nights without food. ALLAH was so pleased by the generosity of the Prophet's Household that HE converted their actions into verses of the Glorious Quran to serve as guidance for the Muslims. These verses not only portray the Ahlul-Bayt's total submission to ALLAH's Will, but, also, reveal them as pure and spotless personalities; promised esteem and admiration among the dwellers of Paradise. They are shown as immaculate models of emulation so that whoever, among the Muslim communities, follows their glowing path will achieve salvation and will be assembled in their illustrious company on the Resurrection Day.
Zamakhshari, in his 'Kashshaf' commenting on this verse, narrates from Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) - that once Hasan and Husein (Peace be upon them) fell sick and the Prophet (PBUH), together with some of his companions, visited his sick grandsons. He suggested that Maula Ali (AS) should make a vow to ALLAH for his sons' health. Heeding the Prophet's suggestion Ali, Fatima (peace be upon them) along with their maid, Fidha, took a vow that if the boys recovered, they would fast for three consecutive days. Eventually, Hasan and Husein (Peace be upon them) recovered and to fulfill the vow they also fasted along with their parents and maid. Since there was nothing in the house to eat, Maula Ali (AS) borrowed from Sham'un, a Khaibarian Jew, three measures of barely. Fatima (AS) grounded one measure into flour and baked it into five loaves (of bread) equal to their number, and placed these before them for breaking the fast. Just then a beggar stopped at their door and said: "al-Salaam Alaikum (peace be upon you), O Ahlul-Bayt of Muhammad (PBUH), (I am) one of the poorest of Muslims (so), feed me, may ALLAH feed you of the food of Paradise!" So they gladly gave him all the food and slept that night, tasting nothing but water." They fasted again the next day and at sunset as they placed the bread before them to break the fast, an orphan knocked on the door asking for food and they cheerfully fed him, themselves going without food for yet another day. On the third day of the fast, as the breaking time approached, and the food was spread, a prisoner (of war) suddenly appeared at their door and the same scenario was repeated, with the Prophet's Ahlul-Bayt passing the third successive night without tasting a morsel of food. Zamakhshari continues that when dawn broke Maula Ali (AS) holding the hands of Hasan and Husein (Peace be upon them all) came to the Prophet's (PBUH) house. The Prophet (PBUH) seeing their pale countenances and noting that they were trembling from hunger, expressed dismay and at once accompanied them to their house. On entering the house, he was shocked to see the sight of his daughter Fatima (AS), sitting hollow-eyed on her prayer mat, her stomach sunk into her back. It was, then, that the angel Jibriel (AS) came down with this verse, saying: "O Muhammad, ALLAH congratulates you for (the sacrifice of) your household. Then he recited the mentioned verse.
The Verse of Guardianship (Wilaya):
"Only ALLAH is your Guardian and HIS Apostle and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while in (Ruku'). And whoever takes ALLAH and HIS Apostle and those who believe as HIS guardian, then surely the party of ALLAH are they that shall be triumphant" Holy Quran (5:55-5)
"It was revealed in favour of Ali (May Allah enlighten his face) when a beggar asked him (for alms) while he was in the position of Ruku' during prayer, and he gave away his ring (in the same position). It seems it was loose on his little
finger, for he did not exert any effort in taking it off, which would have nullified his prayer.
Imam al-Shafi'i (RA)- one of the four Imams of the Sunni school of thought has said-"O Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt)! ALLAH (SWT) has made it obligatory in the Noble Qur'an to love you. It is a matter of pride for you that without invoking blessing on you, prayer is not valid." Again he says in his verses, "After having seen that the people have chosen different ways which have led them to the Ocean of deviation and ignorance. I have, in the name of ALLAH (SWT), embarked the ship which may lead me to safety. The Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) are, that very ship. We have also been ordered to hold fast the rope of ALLAH (SWT), and that rope is their love."
In his last khutbah- ALLAH's Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said “I am about to answer the call (of death). Verily, I leave behind two precious things (thaqalayn) amongst you: the Book of ALLAH and my Ahle-al-Bayt. Verily, the two will never separate until they come back to me by the side of the Pond.”
This authentic hadith from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is narrated by over 30 of his Companions and recorded by a large number of Sunni scholars. Some of the famous sources for this hadith include:
al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, alMustadrak `ala al-Sahihayn (Beirut), volume 3, pages 109110, 148, and 533). He expressly states that the tradition is sahih in accordance with the criteria of al-Bukhari and Muslim; al-Dhahabi has confirmed his judgement Muslim, al-Sahih, (English translation), book 031, numbers 5920-3 al-Tirmidhi, al-Sahih, volume 5, pages 621-2, numbers 3786 and 3788; volume 2, page 219 al-Nasa'i, Khasa'is’Ali ibn Abi Talib, hadith number 79 Ahmad b. Hanbal, al-Musnad, volume 3, pages 14, 17, 26; volume 3, page 26, 59; volume 4, page 371; volume 5, pages 181-2, 189-190 Ibn al-'Athir, Jami` al'usul, volume 1, page 277 Ibn Kathir, alBidayah wa alnihayah, volume 5, page 209. He quotes al-Dhahabi and declares this hadith to be sahih. Ibn Kathir, Tafsir al-Qur’an al-‘Azim , volume 6, page 199 Nasir al-Din al-Albani, Silsilat al-Ahadith al-Sahiha (Kuwait: al-Dar al-Salafiyya), volume 4, pages 355-8. He lists many chains of narration that he considers reliable.
When the verse "(O Muhammad) Say, 'I do not ask for any reward for this (bringing of Allah's message) except the love for the near kinship.'" (42:23) was revealed, the Muslims asked the Prophet: "Who are these near kin of yours whose love is obligatory upon us?" He replied, "'Ali, Fatima, and their two sons." -al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, alMustadrak `ala al-Sahihayn, volume 2, page 444 al-Qastallani, Irshad al-Sari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, volume 7, page 331 al-Suyuti, al-Durr al-Manthur, volume 6, pages 6-7 al-Alusi al-Baghdadi, Ruh al-Ma’ani, volume 25, pages 31-2
There are traditions extolling the virtues of Imam-ul-Awliya- Maula Ali (Karram ALLAHu wajhahul kareem).These traditions are narrated from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
1. "You are to me as Haroon was to Musa, but there will be no Prophet after me". Ref: i) Sahih al Bukhari, Vol. 2, P.305. ii) Sahih Muslim, Vol. 2, P 356. iii) Mustadrak al-Hakim Vol. 3, P.109.
2. "You are from me and I am from you". Ref.: i) Sahih al Bukhari, Vol. 1, P.76. ii) Sahih al Tirmidhi, Vol. 5, p.300. iii) Sunan Ibn Majeh, Vol.1, P.44.
3. "Loving Ali is believing, and hating him is hypocrisy". Ref.: i) Sahih Muslim, Vol.1, p.61. ii) Sunan al-Nisai, Vol. 6,P. 117. iii) Sahih al Tirmidhi, Vol. 8, P.306.
4. "Whoever accepted me as his master, then he should also accept Ali as his master. O Allah be friendly with his friends, and be enemy". Ref.: i) Sahih Muslim, Vol. 2, P. 362. ii) Mustadrak al-Hakim, Vol. 3, P. 109. iii) Musnad of Imam Ahmed, Vol. 4, P.121.
5. "Ali is the master of all the believers after me". Ref.: i) Musnad of Imam Ahmed, Vol. 5, p. 25. ii) Mustadrak al-Hakim, Vol. 5, p.25. iii) Sahih al-Tirmidhi, Vol. 5, p.296.
Hadith Al-Safinah or Safinah Tradition:
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has compared his Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) to Noah's ark. Whoever loves and follows them will attain salvation and whoever violates their sanctity will drown. While holding the door of Holy Kaaba, Abu Dharr (RA) told that he had heard Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) say, "My family among you is like Noah's ark. He who sails in it will be safe, but he who holds back from it will perish."
In another place Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "The parable of my Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) is that of the boat of Noah, whoever gets aboard it is saved and whoever stays away from it is drowned."
Other Hadiths related to the Ahle-Bayt:
◆ Ans bin Malik (RA) narrates that when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to come out for Fajr (dawn) prayer, as he passed the door of Fatimah (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ), he used to say, “O ‘people of the house’, perform your prayer” and then he used to recite the following verse from the Holy Quran: “ALLAH only desires to keep away (all kinds of) impurity from you, O ‘people of the house’! (the Prophet’s family) and to totally purify you,” [al-Ahzab 33:33] (he did this) for six months.
◆ Hazrate Ayeshah (ÑÖí Çááå ÚäåÇ) narrates that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said during the illness in which he passed away, “Oh Fatimah (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ)! Are you not pleased with the fact that you are the leader of the women of all the worlds, the leader of the women of this ummah (nation) and the leader of the women of all the believers.”
◆ Abdullah bin Abbas (ÑÖí Çááå ÚäåãÇ) narrates that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to Fatimah (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ), “ALLAH (SWT) will not punish you and your children.”
◆ Abdullah bin Masud (ÑÖí Çááå ÚäåãÇ) narrates that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Indeed Fatimah has protected her honour and purity in such a way that ALLAH has protected her and her children from the Fire.”
◆ Jabir (RA) narrates that the Messenger of ALLAH (SAW) said, “My daughter was named Fatimah because ALLAH (SWT) has totally separated her and those who love her from the Fire.”
◆ Abdullah bin Umar (RA) narrates that whenever the Holy Prophet (PBUH) went on a journey, the last person he would speak to from his (PBUH) family before setting off would be Fatimah (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ). When he (PBUH) returned from a journey, the first person the Holy Prophet (PBUH) would come to would be Fatimah (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ) and the Messenger of ALLAH (PBUH) would say to her (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ), “(Oh Fatimah!) My mother and father be sacrificed for you.”
◆ Maula Ali (RA) narrates, “He was present in the company of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) asked, ‘What is best for a woman’ on this the companions remained quiet. When I returned home I asked Fatimah, ‘Tell me what is best for a woman?’ Fatimah (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ) replied, ‘It is best for a woman that no men (i.e. outside of one’s immediate family: brothers, father, uncle, husband, sons) see her.’ I mentioned this to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and he (PBUH) said, ‘Indeed Fatimah is a part of me.’”
◆ The Mother of the Believers Hazrate Ayeshah (ÑÖí Çááå ÚäåÇ) narrates that when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to see Fatimah coming he would welcome her, then he (PBUH) would stand up for her, kiss her, bring her inside by holding her hand and seat her in his (PBUH) own place. Whenever Fatimah (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ) saw the Holy Prophet (PBUH) arrive, she used to welcome him (PBUH), stand up for him (PBUH) and kiss the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
◆ The Mother of the Believers Ayeshah (ÑÖí Çááå ÚäåÇ) narrates, “I have not seen anyone who resembled the Holy Prophet (PBUH) more in manners, habits, character and in the method of sitting and standing than Fatimah (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ) the daughter of the Messenger of ALLAH.”
◆ Maula Ali (ßÑã Çááå æÌåå) narrates that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to Fatimah (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ), “Indeed ALLAH becomes angry when you are angry and HE is pleased when you are pleased.”
◆ Zaid bin Arqam (RA) narrates that the Messenger of ALLAH said to Maula Ali (ßÑã Çááå æÌåå), Fatimah, Hasan and Husain (Peace be upon them all), “I will fight against whoever fights against you and I will make peace with whoever makes peace with you.”
◆ Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) narrates that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered a sermon to us during which he (PBUH) was saying, “Whoever holds enmity against us the ‘people of the house’, on the Day of Judgement his fate will be that of the Jews.” I asked, “O Messenger of ALLAH (PBUH), even if he fasts and performs prayer?” The Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied, “Yes! Even if he fasts and performs prayer (because he is the enemy of the ‘people of the house’, ALLAH(SWT) will reject his worship and raise him on the Day of Judgement with the Jews).”
◆ Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) narrates that the Messenger of ALLAH (PBUH) said, “Even if anybody performs prayer between Rukn Yamani and Maqam Ibrahim and he (also) fasts, he then dies, having hatred for the ahl-ul-bait (the people of the house) of Muhammad, he will go to the Fire.”
◆ Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) narrates this marfu tradition in which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “I am a tree, Fatimah is its branch, Ali is its flower, Hasan and Husain are its fruit and the lovers of the ‘people of the house’ are its leaves. All of them will be in Paradise. This is the truth, this is the truth.”
◆ Ans bin Malik (RA) narrates that when the Messenger of ALLAH (PBUH) was in the mosque, he said to Imam Ali (ßÑã Çááå æÌåå), “This is Jibraeel (AS) who is telling me that ALLAH (SWT) has performed your marriage ceremony to Fatimah (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ) in the presence of forty thousand angels as witnesses to the marriage ceremony. ALLAH (SWT) said to the tree of tuba (blessing) to rain pearls and rubies on them. The tree showered them with pearls and rubies. Then women with beautiful eyes gathered the pearls and rubies in trays which the angels (present in the ceremony) will present to each other as gifts until the Day of Judgement.”
◆ Fatimah (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ) the daughter of the Messenger of ALLAH (PBUH) narrates that she took Husain and Hasan to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) during his illness in which he passed away and said, “Oh Messenger of ALLAH (PBUH)! These two are your sons so make them inheritors of something.” The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “For Hasan is my overpowering personality and leadership and for Husain is my courage and generosity.”
◆ Fatimah az-Zahra (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ) narrates that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “The lineage of every mother’s children is attributed to their father except for Fatimah’s children. So I am their guardian and I am their lineage.”
◆ Umar bin Khattab (RA) states, "I heard the Messenger of the ALLAH (PBUH) say, 'Except for my family and my relationship, every family and relationship will be broken on the Day of Judgement.'”
◆ Umm Salma (ÑÖí Çááå ÚäåÇ) narrates, “When Fatima (AS) had the illness that took her life, I nursed her. During this time on one occasion her condition was slightly better one morning. Imam Ali (ßÑã Çááå æÌåå) had gone out for some job. Fatimah (AS) said, ‘O mother! Bring some water for me to bathe.’ I brought some water and as far as I saw she bathed perfectly. Then she said, ‘O mother, bring me new clothes’ so I gave her clothes to her and she put them on. Then she said, ‘O mother! Make my bed for me in the middle of the house,’ so I did accordingly. Then she laid down, faced towards the Kabah, placed her hand under her cheek and said, ‘O mother! It is time for my death and I have purified myself. Do not let anybody undress me.’ Fatimah (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ) passed away in that very position.” Umm Salmah continues, “Then Ali (AS) came back and I informed him of Hazrate Fatima's death."
◆ Ali (ßÑã Çááå æÌåå) narrates that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “On the Day of Resurrection my daughter will be raised wearing the dress of honour washed in the ‘Water of Life’. The whole creation will be amazed on seeing her. Then she will be given the dress of Paradise, each layer comprising of a thousand layers. Each layer will read in green, ‘Take the daughter of Muhammad to Paradise in the best form, great dignity, high esteem and deep respect.’ She will be beautified like a bride and will be taken to Paradise surrounded by seventy thousand hurs (beautiful women of Paradise).”
◆ Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates this marfu tradition that on the Day of Judgement a voice from the depths of the Throne will call out, “Oh people of mahshar! Bow your heads and lower your gazes until Fatimah (ÓáÇã ÇááÀ ÚáیªÇ) passes through towards Paradise.”
◆ Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) narrates that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “I am the scale of knowledge, Ali is its pans, Hasan and Husain are its ropes, Fatimah is its handle and the leaders (of the ahl-ul-bait) after me are its rods. The deeds of those who love us or have hatred against us will be weighed on this scale.”
◆ Ali (ßÑã Çááå æÌåå) narrates, “The Holy Prophet (PBUH) told me, ‘The first people entering Paradise will be myself, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husain.’ I asked, ‘Oh Messenger of ALLAH (PBUH)! What about our lovers?’ The Messenger of ALLAH (PBUH) replied, ‘They will be behind you.’
◆ Imam Ali (ßÑã Çááå æÌåå) narrates that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Myself, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husain and all those who hold love for us will be together at one place on the Day of Judgement. We will eat and drink together until people will be separated from each.
Autor: Seyyeda Gilani Bibi
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